10 Most Exciting Electric Cars Releasing in 2021
With the WRe2 in development here at Warwick Racing, we decided to look ahead to the rest of the year and rank the 10 most exciting electric cars to hit the road in 2021.
With the WRe2 in development here at Warwick Racing, we decided to look ahead to the rest of the year and rank the 10 most exciting electric cars to hit the road in 2021.
Towards the end of November, I wrote an article detailing Audi and BMW’s plans to create an electric division of DTM- spearheading the continuing electric evolution of motorsport. Just a week later however, and the two German titans were playing a very different tune, as both of the world-renowned manufacturers announced their withdrawal from Formula-E after the …
Audi and BMW leave Formula E: and has the sport gone wrong? Read More »
Mocked, scoffed, and decried as an unnecessary, reactive safety precaution by a vocal wing of the Formula One community at its introduction in 2018, the ‘Halo’ device proved once again at the Bahrain Grand Prix on the 29th of November that it is a vital precaution against the many perils of motorsport, when it undoubtedly saved the life …
Though, admittedly, I don’t usually rank amongst its most avid watchers, I can absolutely appreciate the allure of Touring Car. There is something greatly appealing about taking a road car that you (hypothetically) could go out and buy, being pushed to their absolute limits around some of the best racetracks in the world. Touring cars …
An interview with Angel Marco, Chief Chassis Engineer at Warwick Racing
As University of Warwick gets back into the swing of term one after a rather… tumultuous 2020, so too does our motor-sport division here at Warwick Racing. Having been open to students from all departments since 2014, Warwick Racing is this year taking great steps forward as a team; with new personnel, new departments and …